Usage ​
Create your first CRUD ​
Go to /generators/create
if yo're using Full Version
for Simple Version
Below is table about supported input type & validation when you are using some column type.
Column Type | Input Type | Validation |
string | text, textarea, email, telephone, password, url, search, file, hidden | required, string, min, max |
boolean | radio, select, datalist | required, boolean |
char | text, color, week, email, telephone, password, url, search, file, hidden | required, string, min, max |
date | date, month | required, date |
time | time | required, date |
year, foreignId | select, datalist | required, numeric |
dateTime | datetime-local | required, date |
float, decimal, double | number, range, hidden | required, numeric |
enum | select, radio, datalist | required, in |
integer, tinyInteger, mediumInteger, bigInteger | number, range, hidden | required, numeric |
text, tinyText, mediumText, longText | text, textarea, email, telephone, password, url, search, file, hidden | required, string, min, max |
validation will change to nullable
if you uncheck required switch in the form, if any input type password
will automatically added confirmed
validation, min:1|max:100
for supported length column and email|unique
for email
input type.

After creating the new module, the 404
error may show, if this occurs, simply refresh the browser.
Create a Relation ​
Currently, only One To Many (Inverse) / Belongs To relationships are supported. There are specific rules you must follow to create a relation:
- Field name:
- Must be the table name but in singular +
, eg: if we have ausers
table then it must be auser_id
- Must be the table name but in singular +
- Column Type:
- Change to
. - For constrain or related model name, you can fill with Model name (automatically change to plural).
- Action on update & delete:
- On update:
nothing, cascade, restrict
- On delete:
nothing, cascade, restrict, null
- On update:
- Change to
Ensure that the related table and model already exist. If they don't, attempting to display or use them in a <select>
or <datalist>
will result in an error. By default, the id
field is chosen to appear in the dropdown or autocomplete list, while the selected field typically corresponds to the second column in the relevant table.
Create an Upload File ​
Set the column type to string
, the input type to file
, and select the file type (currently only supporting images). Fill in the max size, and the default value is optional (must be a valid link).
We use Intervention Image for manipulating uploaded images. All settings for images are available in config/generator.php
Default image configuration:
"image" => [
* Path for store the image.
* Available options:
* 1. public
* 2. storage
* 3. s3
"disk" => "storage",
* Will used if image is nullable and default value is null.
"default" => "",
* Crop the uploaded image using intervention image.
"crop" => true,
* When set to true the uploaded image aspect ratio will still original.
"aspect_ratio" => true,
* Crop image size.
"width" => 500,
"height" => 500,
If you are using storage
for store the image, make sure you run
php artisan storage:link
Or if you are using s3
to store the image, make sure you read the documentation
Create a Sidebar Menu ​
This feature only available in full version.
You can easily create a dynamic sidebar menu with just a few inputs. All sidebar menu configurations are placed in config/generator.php
What if you don't need a dynamic sidebar menu and prefer to create your menu in blade
? No problem, we provide support for that too. Click here to learn how to do it.
Role & Permissions ​
When using the full version, creating a new module will automatically generate specific permissions and assign them to the admin
role. All permissions are managed in config/permission.php
Here an example:
'group' => 'products',
'access' => [
'product view',
'product create',
'product edit',
'product delete'
Creating API CRUD ​
Before you use this feature, make sure you have installed and read the latest documentation of Laravel 11 regarding APIs.
- Execute the following command
php artisan install:api
- Check if the
file is exists - Go to
and remove or add the following code
api: __DIR__ . '/../routes/api.php',
web: __DIR__ . '/../routes/web.php',
commands: __DIR__ . '/../routes/console.php',
health: '/up',
- If you want an authentication module, such as login and register, please execute the following command
php artisan generator:publish-api
This command will generate some code in app/Http/Controllers/Api/AuthController
, app/Http/Requests/Auth
, and routes/api.php
For the full version, navigate to /generators-api/create
. For the simple version, go to /simple-generators/create
. Then, follow the same steps you used to create CRUD operations above.
If you are using the API Generator in the full version, sidebar menu creation is not available.