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What's New? ​

Changes in the Latest Version ​

  1. Minimum Laravel 11.x

    Because Laravel 11.x differs significantly from earlier versions, we decided to terminate support for Laravel 10. The lowest supported version is currently Laravel 11

  2. Updated numerous necessary libraries, including:

    And for development process libraries:

  3. Remove (optionally) App\Generators\GeneratorUtils class and update the helper class, here for more info

  4. Fix bug and error.

For the most recent and complete changelog, please visit Github Releases

How to Update ​

  1. If you are still using Laravel 10.x, please consider reading the Laravel 11.x upgrade guide

  2. Update composer.json file

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "^11.0", 
    "require-dev": {
        "nunomaduro/collision": "^8.1", 
        "evdigiina/generator": "^0.3.0",  

    Optional (if installed).

    "require": {
         "spatie/laravel-permission": "^6.0", 
         "laravel/fortify": "^1.21"
  3. Publish new files

    php artisan generator:publish-utils
  4. Add the following code to resources/views/layouts/sidebar.blade.php

    <ul class="menu">
        {{-- New code --}}
            <li class="sidebar-item{{ request()->is('/') || request()->is('dashboard') ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="/">
                    <i class="bi bi-speedometer"></i>
                    <span> {{ __('Dashboard') }}</span>
        {{-- Your sidebar code --}}
        @foreach (config('generator.sidebars') as $sidebar)
            {{-- ... --}}
        {{-- New code --}}
        @if (env('APP_ENV') === 'local')
            <li class="sidebar-title">{{ __('Generators') }}</li>
            <li class="sidebar-item{{ request()->is('generators/create') ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="{{ route('generators.create') }}">
                    <i class="bi bi-fire"></i>
                    <span>{{ __('CRUD Generator') }}</span>
            <li class="sidebar-item{{ request()->is('api-generators/create') ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="/api-generators/create">
                    <i class="bi bi-rocket"></i>
                    <span>{{ __('API CRUD Generator') }}</span>
            <li class="sidebar-item{{ request()->is('simple-generators/create') ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="/simple-generators/create">
                    <i class="bi bi-droplet"></i>
                    <span>{{ __('Simple CRUD Generator') }}</span>
        {{-- New code --}}
            <li class="sidebar-title">Account</li>
            <li class="sidebar-item{{ request()->is('profile') ? ' active' : '' }}">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="{{ route('profile') }}">
                    <i class="bi bi-person-badge-fill"></i>
                    <span>{{ __('Profile') }}</span>
            <li class="sidebar-item">
                <a class="sidebar-link" href="{{ route('logout') }}" onclick="event.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('logout-form').submit();">
                    <i class="bi bi-door-open-fill"></i>
                    <span>{{ __('Logout') }}</span>
                <form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('logout') }}" method="POST" class="d-none">
  5. Update code in resources/views/layouts/header.blade.php

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
        <ul class="navbar-nav ms-auto mb-lg-0">
            {{-- Your code --}}
        {{-- New code --}}
            <div class="dropdown">
                <a href="#" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
                    <div class="user-menu d-flex">
                        <div class="user-name text-end me-3">
                            <h6 class="mb-0 text-gray-600">{{ auth()?->user()?->name }}</h6>
                            <p class="mb-0 text-sm text-gray-600">
                                {{ isset(auth()?->user()?->roles) ? implode(auth()?->user()?->roles?->map(fn ($role) => $role->name)->toArray()) : '-' }}
                        <div class="user-img d-flex align-items-center">
                            <div class="avatar avatar-md">
                                @if (auth()?->user()?->avatar == null)
                                    <img src="{{ md5(strtolower(trim(auth()?->user()?->email))) }}&s=500" alt="Avatar">
                                    <img src="{{ asset('storage/uploads/avatars/' . auth()?->user()?->avatar) }}" alt="Avatar">
                <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" style="min-width: 11rem;">
                        <h6 class="dropdown-header">{{ __('Hello') }}, {{ auth()?->user()?->name }}!</h6>
                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('profile') }}"><i class="icon-mid bi bi-person-fill me-2"></i>{{ __('My Profile') }}</a>
                        <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('logout') }}" onclick="event.preventDefault();document.getElementById('logout-form-nav').submit();">
                            <i class="bi bi-door-open-fill"></i>
                            {{ __('Logout') }}
                        <form id="logout-form-nav" action="{{ route('logout') }}" method="POST" class="d-none">
  6. Create a file generator.cache in storage folder then copy the code below



Change simple_version_publish_count or full_version_publish_count to 1 and specify the version you're using

  1. Convert config/generator.php from image.path to image.disk

    "image" => [
         * Path for store the image.
         * available options:
         * 1. public
         * 2. storage
        "path" => "storage", 
    "image" => [
         * Image storage location
         * Available options:
         * 1. public
         * 2. storage
         * 3. S3
        "disk" => "storage", 
        // ... another configuration

    For additional information on these changes, go here

  2. If you see the following problem after creating a new module, please read the documentation regarding the new Laravel 11 middleware in controller here

    Error middleware

    If you don't need a middleware, simply uncomment those codes or use the Laravel 10 like middleware below.

    // comment code below
    public static function middleware(): array
        return [
            // 'auth',
            // TODO: uncomment this code if you are using spatie permission
            // new Middleware('permission:permission_name view', only: ['index', 'show']),
            // new Middleware('permission:permission_name create', only: ['create', 'store']),
            // new Middleware('permission:permission_name edit', only: ['edit', 'update']),
            // new Middleware('permission:permission_name delete', only: ['destroy']),

    And change to Laravel 10 like middleware

    public function __construct()
        $this->middleware('permission:permission_name view')->only('index', 'show');
        $this->middleware('permission:permission_name create')->only('create', 'store');
        $this->middleware('permission:permission_name edit')->only('edit', 'update');
        $this->middleware('permission:permission_name delete')->only('destroy');


    use Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\{HasMiddleware, Middleware}; 
    class YourController extends Controller implements HasMiddleware


    // use Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\{HasMiddleware, Middleware};
    class YourController extends Controller

    And in the header remove or comment.use Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\{HasMiddleware, Middleware};

New Features 🔥 ​

New features added in Generator v0.3.x:

  1. (beta) Generator may generate Seeder and Factory

  2. (beta) CRUD API Generator 🚀

    Now you can create APIs quickly and easily using the CRUD API Generator

  3. Single Form

    Perform CRU D tasks using a single page and form. This functionality is ideal for generating pages such as settings, web profiles, and other features with only one data item.

  4. Added a new utility class called ImageService

    This class is used to upload and manipulate images via Intervention Image

  5. Added a new option to the configuration generator.image.disk, previously known as generator.image.path, you can now select public, storage or s3. Here's an example.

"image" => [
     * Image storage location
     * Available options:
     * 1. public
     * 2. storage
     * 3. S3
     * change path to disk
    "disk" => "storage", 
    // other configuration codes.

To use the s3 option, you should read the related documentation here

And if you use the storage option, make sure you run

php artisan storage:link

If you want to see the latest configuration, it is below:

return [
     * If any input file(image) as default will use options below.
    "image" => [  
         * Image storage location
         * Available options:
         * 1. public
         * 2. storage
         * 3. S3
         * change path to disk
        "disk" => "storage",  

         * Will be used if image is nullable and default value is null.
        "default" => "",  

         * Crop the uploaded image using intervention image.
        "crop" => true,  

         * When set to true the uploaded image aspect ratio will still original.
        "aspect_ratio" => true,  

         * Crop image size.
        "width" => 500,  
        "height" => 500,  

    "format" => [  
         * Will be used to first year on select, if any column type year.
        "first_year" => 1970,  

         * If any date column type will cast and display used this format, but for input date still will used Y-m-d format.
         * another most common format:
         * - M d Y
         * - d F Y
         * - Y m d
        "date" => "Y-m-d",  

         * If any input type month will cast and display used this format.
        "month" => "Y/m",  

         * If any input type time will cast and display used this format.
        "time" => "H:i",  

         * If any datetime column type or datetime-local on input, will cast and display used this format.
        "datetime" => "Y-m-d H:i:s",  

         * Limit string on index view for any column type text or long text.
        "limit_text" => 100,  

     * It will be used for generator to manage and showing menus on sidebar views.
     * Example:
     * [
     *   'header' => 'Main',
     *   // All permissions in menus[] and submenus[]
     *   'permissions' => ['test view'],
     *   menus' => [
     *       [
     *          'title' => 'Main Data',
     *          'icon' => '<i class="bi bi-collection-fill"></i>',
     *          'route' => null,
     *          // permission always null when isset submenus
     *          'permission' => null,
     *          // All permissions on submenus[] and will empty[] when submenus equals to []
     *          'permissions' => ['test view'],
     *          'submenus' => [
     *                 [
     *                     'title' => 'Tests',
     *                     'route' => '/tests',
     *                     'permission' => 'test view'
     *                  ]
     *               ],
     *           ],
     *       ],
     *  ],
     * This code below always changes when you use a generator, and maybe you must format the code.
    "sidebars" => [  
            "header" => "Main",  
            "permissions" => ["test view"],  
            "menus" => [  
                    "title" => "Main Data",  
                    "icon" => '<i class="bi bi-collection-fill"></i>',  
                    "route" => null,  
                    "permission" => null,  
                    "permissions" => ["test view"],  
                    "submenus" => [  
                            "title" => "Tests",  
                            "route" => "/tests",  
                            "permission" => "test view",  
            "header" => "Users",  
            "permissions" => ["user view", "role & permission view"],  
            "menus" => [  
                    "title" => "Users",  
                    "icon" => '<i class="bi bi-people-fill"></i>',  
                    "route" => "/users",  
                    "permission" => "user view",  
                    "permissions" => [],  
                    "submenus" => [],  
                    "title" => "Roles & permissions",  
                    "icon" => '<i class="bi bi-person-check-fill"></i>',  
                    "route" => "/roles",  
                    "permission" => "role & permission view",  
                    "permissions" => [],  
                    "submenus" => [],  
  1. New documentation 📖

    Since we found it difficult to create documentation for multiple versions and languages using MkDocs, we decided to create the new documentation using Vitepress