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You're browsing the documentation for an old version of Generator. Consider upgrading your project to Generator 0.3.x.

Features ​

Simple Version ​

Full Version ​

  • CRUD Generator
  • Configurable sidebar menus
  • CRUD User
  • Roles and permissions (Spatie Permission)
  • Authentication (Laravel Fortify)
    • Login
    • Register
    • Forgot Password
    • 2FA Authentication
    • Update profile information

Available Commands ​

Install The Generator ​

Install Generator Variants (Simple/Full Version)

For simple version

php artisan generator:install simple

For full version

php artisan generator:install full

Warning! That will overwrite several files, so use caution while using this command and avoid using it more than once.

Set the sidebar menu ​

Set the sidebar menu to fully blade code (static) or use a list from config (dynamic)

Sidebar configuration place in config/generator.php

php artisan generator:sidebar dynamic

While using static sidebar menu, you feel free to edit the sidebar menus on resources/views/layouts/sidebar.blade.php

php artisan generator:sidebar static

After you create a new module using the generator, sidebar will automatically comeback to set dynamic

Utilities/Helpers ​

Check sidebar active menus ​

is_active_menu(string|array $menu): boolean;

Utility class ​

All utility functions that you maybe need, are available in App\Generators\GeneratorUtils

use App\Generators\GeneratorUtils;

 * Get template/file.
public static function getTemplate(string $path): string;

* Get published files.
public static function getPublishedFiles(string $path): string;

* Check folder if not exist, then make folder.
public static function checkFolder(string $path): void;

* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function singularPascalCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function pascalCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural pascal case.
public static function pluralPascalCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural snake case.
public static function pluralSnakeCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular snake case.
public static function singularSnakeCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural pascal case.
public static function pluralCamelCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular pascal case.
public static function singularCamelCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural, kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function pluralKebabCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function kebabCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular, kebab case, and lowercase.
public static function singularKebabCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular, remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanSingularLowerCase(string $string): string;

* Remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanLowerCase(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural, remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanPluralUcWords(string $string): string;

* Convert string to singular, remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanSingularUcWords(string $string): string;

* Remove special characters, and uppercase every first letters.
public static function cleanUcWords(string $string): string;

* Convert string to plural, remove special characters, and lowercase.
public static function cleanPluralLowerCase(string $string): string;

* Get 1 column after id on the table.
public static function getColumnAfterId(string $table): string;

* Select id and column after id on the table.
public static function selectColumnAfterIdAndIdItself(string $table): string;

* Get model location or path if contains '/'.
public static function getModelLocation(string $model): string;

* Converts camelCase string to have spaces between each.
public static function fromCamelCase(string $string): string;
* Set model name from the latest of array(if exists).
public static function setModelName(string $model, string $style = 'pascal case'): string;

* Set default image and code to controller.
public static function setDefaultImage(null|string $default, string $field, string $model): array;

* Convert array from config to string like array.
public static function convertArraySidebarToString(array $sidebars): string;

* Check if menu is active.
public static function isActiveMenu(string|array $route): string;

Things that we want to add in the future ​

  • API CRUD generator
  • API docs
  • Can create more relation type
  • Upload file except image
  • CRUD with desain pattern(Service/Repository Pattern)
  • Laravel table pagination
  • Import/Export csv
  • Input for custom table name
  • Change request validation as an array
  • Add a checkbox for whether to use route model binding or not
  • Add a checkbox to turn off automatic pluralization
  • If the time zone is set to Indonesia, then disable pluralization
  • Add username to users table
  • New template admin
  • Option to auto migrate table or not
  • Add config for showing an image in the data table or not
  • ability to hide/show the field on the view page
  • Configuration to limit showing fields in the index page
  • Can select the field that will be showing in belongsTo the relation
  • The generator can make seeder and factory
  • Add default config for minimum & maximum length to column type string
  • The generator can make subfolders for request class validation
  • Add configuration for image type rounded or square
  • Add support for diffForHumans() to input type date.
  • Can custom validation(write-in input)
  • The generator can use caching
  • The generator can create policy
  • The generator can create model observer
  • Use database transaction
  • The generator can create mutator & casting
  • Configuration for upload file to S3
  • Add soft delete option
  • If the model is in a subfolder then the route will use the sub-route
  • Add unit test for the generator
  • The generator can create unit test
  • Add notification if the user changed their email or password (package)
  • Add activity log (package)
  • Add backup database (package)
  • The Generator uses enum class for column type enum
  • Refactor code

The list is subject to change at any time and features may be added in any order.