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Getting Started ​

Requirements ​

Here are some minimum requirements you need to consider:

Installation ​

composer require evdigiina/generator --dev


This package has two variants: Simple Version dan Full Version

Simple Version ​

Simple Version

Designed for developers who want a straightforward solution, this version focuses solely on generating CRUD operations, enabling you to quickly create, read, update, and delete functionalities with ease.

Streamline your workflow and concentrate on building your application’s core features without the hassle of repetitive coding tasks.

Includes: Yajra Datatables, Intervention Image & Bootstrap 5.

See available features

Publish files

php artisan generator:install simple

Run the local development server php artisan serve and then in your browser navigate to /simple-generators/create/

Full Version ​

Full Version

This comprehensive version goes beyond basic CRUD operations, offering a complete starter app, robust authentication, and flexible role-based access control.

Perfect for developers seeking an all-in-one solution, the Full Version empowers you to kickstart your applications with essential features, focus on innovation and leave the groundwork to us.

Includes: Yajra Datatables, Intervention Image, Laravel Fortify, Spatie Permission & Mazer Template.

See available features.


For the full version, it's recommended to install this library after setting up a new Laravel project to avoid overwriting files.

Install Laravel Fortify & Spatie Permission

composer require laravel/fortify spatie/laravel-permission

Publish the required files

php artisan generator:install full


This command will overwrite some files, so you should be careful when running this command and avoid running it more than once.

Execute migration and seeder commands

php artisan migrate --seed

Start the local development server php artisan serve


What's inside? ​

Simple Version ​

Full Version ​